Sunday, August 15, 2021

Summit of Excellence Speaker Highlight: D. Joshua Taylor

Do you wish to polish your public speaking skills? Do you have genealogical knowledge or expertise that you'd like to share with others? Have you ever considered giving a public presentation? If so, come learn from one of the most engaging and personable speakers in the genealogy community.

Joshua will present the following at the Summit of Excellence held virtually, September 15-18, 2021:

Keynote Address: Looking Back in the Future

Public Speaking: Engaging with Your Audience at Home and In-person
Connecting with your audience as a professional speaker is essential. This session focuses on delivery, visuals, and other elements when making virtual and in-person presentations. Full session description here.

Learn more about D. Joshua Taylor and all of our amazing speakers here.

View the full schedule for the UGA Summit of Excellence here.

Join Us in September! 

The 2021 UGA Summit of Excellence celebrates UGA's 50th year. This exciting virtual conference, held September 15-18, 2021, is a four-day event with multiple tracks offering a premier educational opportunity at an extremely reasonable price. Each track features a different record set or research area such as legal records, methodology, technology, or DNA. 

Learn more about the Summit of Excellence or register to attend. Questions may be directed to the registrar: