Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Summit of Excellence Speaker Highlight: Michael L. Strauss

Did your ancestors participate in military service? If so, do you know how and where to find their military service records and draft records? Join us as military expert, Michael Strauss, leads a triumphant charge through time and place.

Michael will present the following at the Summit of Excellence held virtually, September 15-18, 2021:

Records of Military Service from the Colonial Era to Vietnam 
Vital to any military ancestor is their service records which define when an individual was mustered in and out of service. This lecture examines records from the colonial era to Vietnam. 
Full session description here.

The Draft and the Selective Service System 
Draft records are invaluable to genealogists as they provide documentary evidence of men of eligible military age who served during periods of war. These records also account for men who might not have been mustered into service. 
Full session description here.

Learn more about Michael Strauss and all of our amazing speakers here.

View the full schedule for the UGA Summit of Excellence here.

Join Us in September!

The 2021 UGA Summit of Excellence celebrates UGA's 50th year. This exciting virtual conference, held September 15-18, 2021, is a four-day event with multiple tracks offering a premier educational opportunity at an extremely reasonable price. Each track features a different record set or research area such as legal records, methodology, technology, or DNA. 

Learn more about the Summit of Excellence or register to attend. Questions may be directed to the registrar: registrar@ugagenealogy.org.