Saturday, July 17, 2021

Summit of Excellence Speaker Highlight: Judy G. Russell

Are you curious about how to utilize court records? Do you want to learn about how your ancestor's probate can lead you to genealogy breakthroughs? Judy Russell, The Legal Genealogist, will bring her legal expertise to the Summit of Excellence and help you explore these questions.

Judy will present the following at the Summit of Excellence held virtually, September 15-18, 2021:

Courting America: Using Court Records
The records created by all courts at all times offer what's often the best available evidence of the lives and times of our ancestors. But the sheer number of courts at all levels -- town, county, state, and federal -- can be overwhelming. Where do we find our best bang for the research buck? What records can we hope to find, and where can we find them? And if we spend the time learning to understand the courts and their records, what's the payoff: what can those records tell us?
Full session description here.

"To Dorothy my Dearly Beloved Wife”: Using Probate Records
Where there's a will, there should be a probate: the legal process of settling an estate. Often when there isn't a will, there's still a probate. Understanding the legal process and finding the records created when our ancestors died can help break through the brick walls we all have in our research. And the records themselves not only can help us find out who our ancestors were but also can tell us much about their lives and their times. Well beyond just the wills, the trip through the dockets, the minutes and the loose papers recording an estate can be one of genealogy's most worthwhile journeys.
Full session description here.

Learn more about Judy Russell and all of our amazing speakers here.

View the full schedule for the UGA Summit of Excellence here.

Join Us in September!

The 2021 UGA Summit of Excellence celebrates UGA's 50th year. This exciting virtual conference, held September 15-18, 2021, is a four-day event with multiple tracks offering a premier educational opportunity at an extremely reasonable price. Each track features a different record set or research area such as legal records, methodology, technology, or DNA. 

Learn more about the Summit of Excellence or register to attend. Questions may be directed to the registrar: